Scarlett turned two and I ask myself Where did the year go? It flew by with a smooth start as she began daycare, then a rough patch when she got her burn and skin graft, then continued to evolve into her headstrong, do it myself kind of girl. After a year and a half of the 'cry it out' sleep method she finally sleeps through the night, mostly. Don't believe it when people say it only takes a week, not in my family. Our average is from 1 to 2 years of crying (at bed-time and in the middle of the night), then smooth sailing, mostly. Now here we are on her 2nd birthday and she happened to have 4 time-outs today, she is truly embracing the meaning of being two. I mean who can blame her for wanting to climb on the kitchen table, or take Ava's favorite toy owl away, and ignore daddy when he says NO, leave the wind chime alone! She turns two today December 18th, my little baby is growing up, where did this year go?
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